A shed-building company’s first attempt at blogging—because apparently, Google likes it.
At AgBuild, we know sheds. We know timber, nails, and how to make sure your new barn doesn’t take flight in the next Waikato windstorm. What we don’t know? Blogging. But apparently, writing these things helps with web traffic and sales, so here we are, nervously hammering away at a keyboard instead of a frame.
Is this how it works? Do we just keep typing and hope Google smiles upon us? Should we mention “sheds” a few more times for good luck? Sheds, sheds, sheds. There, that should do it.
In all seriousness, we promise our shed-building skills are a lot more refined than our blogging skills. So, if you need a solid, no-nonsense structure built by people who actually do know what they’re doing, give us a shout. And if you made it this far—thanks for reading our first-ever blog! We’ll get the hang of this… probably.